January 5, 2013

Birthday Stillness and a Radio Debut

dining room abstract

Today I turn 33. This morning, I received a call from my 81 year old grandmother offering to take my children for the afternoon and promising a casserole so I wouldn't have to cook dinner on my birthday. Really, just in case you don't know, that is the most appreciated sort of gift you could possibly give to a work-at-home mother of young children; the gift of time. Time to just be, just to breathe and think without being responsible for some other little person's every physical and emotional need. Time to make an extra special birthday coffee drink with real whipped cream and enjoy it before it's cold. Time to listen to a new album all the way through with no interruptions. Time to stare at a blank, intimidating sketchbook and wonder how to get started. Time to just be still.

birthday heirlooms

And as the icing on the birthday cake, she passed down this beautiful celluloid topped vanity jar, a 1930's hair comb with rhinestones, and hand-painted Bakelite bracelet, all of which she'd owned since childhood. Treasures for sure.

hi fi

And in other recent news, (which will be old news if you follow me on Instagram or like Welcome Little Stranger on Facebook) a childhood dream of mine came true on Thursday evening. I heard my own voice, singing, on the actual freaking radio when The Spy FM in Oklahoma City played our song "The Governor's Ball" on The Oklahoma Rock Show. That was a ginormous thrill, and hopefully, a sign of great things to come in 2013. Hope it's off to a wonderful start for you as well!


Danzel @Silver Shoes and Rabbit Holes said...

I so identify with the first part of this post. Besides time, my other favorite birthday gift is just having someone else clean the house. Sometimes the husband will do it, and twice, my own grandma bought me a thorough cleaning from Molly Maids. I do love the break! Grandmas are the best.

That Bakelite bangle is FABULOUS. Congrats on the radio airplay, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Heather said...

Happy birthday to you my sweet friend! I hope you had lots of time to be creative and just do what you wanted to do! I know this will be a great year for you, cant wait to see what you create!~

Mick said...

Happy Birthday and How terribly exciting! Keep the home fires burning!