August 25, 2011

WLS Photo Shoot

Welcome Little Stranger

After thirteen years, you would think that Mr. Hall and I would have boxes and boxes of photos of the two of us together. Sadly, that isn't the case, and photos of the two of us since we became Mama and Daddy are even more rare. So, last weekend we decided that it was high time we had a little old-timey Welcome Little Stranger photo shoot. We enlisted the help of my Mama for a few shots of the two of us in the wild plum thicket, where the humidity coupled with it being 4 million degrees lent a spooky, ethereal mist to the photos.

Welcome Little Stranger

We also snapped a few shots of one another in front of an old-timey dilapidated building otherwise known as our detached garage. Thirteen years later, and I think he's more handsome than ever.

Mr. Hall on Mandolin

Here I am channeling Mother Maybelle with June's hair.

me and autoharp


Dakota said...

OK, I really love your music!!! I'm so glad to have stumbled across y'all!

Oh, and these pictures are wonderful. The Carter Family-gets-spooky aesthetic is amazing!!

Eartha Kitsch said...

These shots are absolutely beautiful. And yes, I also like the ones with the misty haze. Stunning!

Heather said...

You guys look so country cool! Love these photos and the new look of the blog!~ :D

Robin Thomas said...

I love these. You are such a doll.

Love your blog. Looks so pretty and freshly retro.

Amanda Laurel Atkins said...

those are beautiful!!

Laur said...

i love all of these, but that last one of you looking down at your harp is truly lovely.
