July 26, 2011

St. Margaret, Patron Saint of Baking

Introducing the newest DIY saint in the Sweetheartville canon, Saint Margaret, Patron Saint of Baking.

St. Margaret Prayer Candle

Ain't she sweet? This was my most favorite saint to dream up yet. If it's possible to gain weight via Photoshoppery, I must have gained twelve pounds today. Fun times! I'm having such a blast designing these pretend saints I don't ever want to quit.

So tell me, what DIY pursuit or career would YOU most like to see a patron saint of? I have a few ideas in the pipeline, but I'd love your feedback. I'm all ears!

I'd also like to thank everyone who offered encouragement and votes of confidence after my last post. It means so much to me to have so many wonderful, creative, kindhearted people in my life cheering me on. I feel like big, exciting things are just around the corner for my art, Sweetheartville, the Welcome Little Stranger project, and of course, my sweet little family. I'm full up to burstin' with ideas and plans, and I can't wait to see what each new day brings.


Heather said...

I heart her somethin' fierce! these are amazing! of course I'd like to see a patron saint of painting, I bet you could make a snazzy one! I love your knitting one too :)

Dana said...

Librarian!!! I mean there really is a patron saint of libraries, St. Jerome, but I'm sure he wouldn't be as cute on a candle ;) Marion? hehe

Robin Thomas said...

Love this one! You go get your bliss sweet Holly.

Amelia said...

Oh boy do I need this candle!

Lady Dragonsinger said...



Pastor's wives!!