March 14, 2010

Coffeyville, KS

ancient free and accepted

all wool suits

get with the times


Mick said...

I love stuff like this. "Rural Americana" : )

Heather said...

Totally groovy! Love your photo skillz :)

Margie said...

Can you believe suits were $25! Too Cool! ~ Margie

red.neck chic said...

Oh my goodness - I LOVE the old signs!!! Great photos!!!

;-) robelyn

Holly said...

Do you sell prints of your photos at shows? If not, you totally could. They're gorgeous!!

OH also, I've been meaning to tell you about a little antique shop I found near my house. It's called "Vintage Vibe Antiques" on Main Street Broken Arrow (but I don't think they're on the web because I was trying to find their hours and I failed). Anyway, she has a whole room full of glammy, girlie things and it totally made me think of you when I walked in. There were hairbrushes, perfume bottles, blowdryers, a whole bowl full of neat little curlers, and a ton of other pretty stuff. I just thought I'd tell you about it because I heard your name blaring inside my head the whole time I was there.

icandy... said...

I just love to see this! Here in Kansas, there are a lot of small towns with these by the city welcome signs! I've never been to Coffeyville~ I need to take a day trip! :)
Love it!