February 1, 2010

Wanda In Progress

wanda wip

She's coming along...


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I've been lucky enough to meet her a few times and she's just so wonderful. I'm making a Wanda doll myself to give her at Viva Las Vegas this year (lord willing!)

Heather said...

Aw, wanda's so purdy! I better get crackin on ol' Will...Rogers, that is ;)

Margie said...

Ooh! I love her lips! Pretty:)

Mick said...

Shes Looking good! Hey Holly, Iv been doing fine. Iv tried FOREVER to find and follow Sweetheartville since I made my blog and only found you today! How are things going fo you?!

Giggly said...

Fabulous! Great blog BTW. ;-)

50sme said...

Oh wow! How neat. I never have been so great at embroidery or cross stitch. It always looks like heck on the backside. I used to do it more often when I was in my 20's but my sister in law showed me her absolutely perfect work that looked exactly the same on the back as on the front...that I kind of gave up. I figured I had to be doing something very wrong.

Anonymous said...

I finished my portrait of Tinker. I googled "okie stitch along" to see who else was working on a portrait. Great work. Your style makes it look really retro.