August 18, 2011

Homemade Equals Healthy, Right?

homemade oreos

Seriously, where are these days going? I looked up from my busyness, and realized it's been over two weeks since my last post. We're still hiding from the record-shattering heat. Turns out that July was not only the hottest July ever on record for Oklahoma, but the hottest one ever recorded for any state. Ever. In history. Since time began. Did I convey to you that it's been sweltering here? Anyway, I've been trying to keep the oven off to keep the house cooler, but my sweet tooth just wouldn't let me rest until I'd whipped up a batch of these homemade oreos. Only, I used butter for the filling instead of shortening. They ended up huge, and also delicious, but next time I think I'd cut back a bit on the sugar because, hot damn!, these things made your teeth ache they were so sweet. Also, because it's hotter than Beelzebub's buttcheeks here, they were kind of melty and too oozy until we put them in the fridge for a few hours.

In other news, there are so many little babies being birthed around here this summer, the latest being Beth's little girly pie this afternoon. My own little chunk is already weighing in at over 14 pounds, and we haven't even reached the three month mark! I think I must make heavy cream instead of milk.

two month old strawberry

I'm trying some new and exciting (non digital) things with my art this week, which I will share here if they aren't complete flops.


Heather said...

These look so good! I dont know which looks more delicious, the cookies or the sweet baby rolls!

I'm glad to hear that my moaning and complaining about the heat are backed up by good records. It was hot as you know what! It still is! And I'm so over it ;)

TP said...

My mouth is watering! At the oreo's...the babe is of course adorable! She looks like your sexy panther hubby.

Eartha Kitsch said...

This has nothing to do with your post but I swear, you have THE prettiest blog. And with Mother Maybelle looking on...even better.

Those Oreo cakes DO look like a bit o' something sweet but not as sweet as your wee one. This heat will break eventually. December, maybe?

Holly said...

That just so happens to be one of the cutest little chunks I've EVER seen! The homemade oreos look fab, especially with the way they're photographed. I always love your photos!

Emilio.M said...

Those extremely look lovely but be sure to brush your teeth after eating those sweets. Thanks.
fort mill dentist

Unknown said...

That cookies looks good and delicious, and i hope that will be good to my teeth as well. I love eating sweets that's why i always go to see my dentists fort mill sc, to make sure that my teeth will always be in good shape.