March 27, 2011

Extreme Turtle Makeover

turtle before

We've had this turtle step stool since my little one was a baby. My mom found it at a garage sale, and according to what's written on the bottom, it was made by a local man in 1974. I have always intended to recover it, but it was one of those projects I kept putting off. Well, 37 years and several hundred tooth brushing and hand washing sessions later, it was getting kind of gross. I started thinking about recovering it, but wasn't sure what fabric to use, since it does see so much action in the bathroom. Then it hit me: oilcloth!

turtle after

I ended up having to replace the deteriorated foam rubber inside, and then covered the new foam with a layer of batting. It's better than new now, since water, bubbles, toothpaste and other kid messes just wipe right off!

And speaking of messes...looks like one too many bubble blowing sessions and a long winter have left my front porch in need of a good mopping. I'll add it to the list!


AJ Bindel said...

Wow! The oil cloth was a brilliant idea. He's just marvey!

doradadama said...

So adorable, oil cloths are the coolest.

Carly said...

so so sweet!