September 7, 2010

The Queen of Rock

After countless starts and stops, Miss Wanda Jackson is finally finished and is awaiting her debut at the Oklahoma State Fair, along with dozens of other embroidered Okies.

Wanda Jackson, The Queen of Rock

Since "Funnel of Love" is just about my favorite Wanda Jackson song, and since Oklahoma is known for its funnel clouds, I thought a giant embroidered cyclone was appropriate.

Funnel of Love

My taller half even tried his hand at embroidery for the first time to render the majesty of Ryan, Oklahoma native Chuck Norris' kicking power in floss and felt.

Chuck Norris Action Jeans

Remember: There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live.


Briana Shepley said...

Both of those are beyond awesome!!!! I feel lucky to say I know you ;)

Jenny said...

Bad ass!!! (Both of 'em!)

Brigid said...

You are one stitchin', bitchin' couple. :)

Robin Thomas said...

Freaking brilliant.
Love your new blog look. Gorgeous and useful, of course.

AJ Bindel said...

This is great! Both of these pieces put BIG smiles on my face! :)

Unknown said...

LOVE the Wanda Jackson! I met her last year and she's a hoot. My graduate thesis is actually going to be on women in rockabilly music and I wrote a post on Wanda, just in case anyone wants more info on her-

craftyminx said...

OMG holly I love it!!! That cyclone is uh-mazing!

Anonymous said...

those are so cool - congrats to your taller half for a bitchin' chuck norris!

Cat Soup said...

I freaking love this!

Valerie said...

Way way way too cool. And awesome that your other half joined in the fun! I wish we had this on display at the Tulsa State Fair to see!

Prairie Gothic said...

What a pair!!!!!!!!!!You guys are so talented and so cute too!!!!

Holly said...

I can even believe the amount of detail. You guys are both so talented!

Heather said...

these are AMAZING!!! Your Wanda is so awesome. All that detail...she's so gorgeous! And Jeremy! A man of many talents. When's he opening up his etsy store? ;)

Christina said...

The Wanda Jackson embroidered piece is AMAZING!!! LOVELOVELOVE! Chuck is great, but when it comes down to it, Chuck Norris knows Wanda's voice rules. :)