February 8, 2010


St. Tammy Candles

A very eventful week in Sweetheartville was capped yesterday morning by the most exciting news: my St. Tammy Prayer Candle was featured in the Etsy Storque's Get The Look: Decor as part of a lovely collection inspired by Sandra's beautiful home. I see a lot of my own style in Sandra's decorating, and I am absolutely honored to have had a bit of my art included in the feature.

If you'd like to be the first to know what's going on in Sweetheartville, don't forget that you can find me on Facebook as well!


Robin Thomas said...

OooooH,congratulations! Get ready to ship out tons of those!

icandy... said...

heading to my fb right now to find you!

Heather said...

totally awesome! I'm so proud of you!! :D

Margie said...

That is sooo exciting!!! Congrats~Margie:)

Prairie Gothic said...

Congratulations! You so deserve the recognition.