January 21, 2010

The Photography of Maynard Parker

I can't remember now where I stumbled upon the photographs of Maynard Parker, the principal photographer for House Beautiful magazine between 1942 and 1965.

The dramatic lighting! The saturated colors!

Head over to The Huntington for a narrated slide show to see these and many other breathtaking images of mid century living.


Robin Thomas said...

Oooooh honey, those pink chairs o nthat green shag. Chills girl.

Briana Shepley said...

Now THAT'S an era I would have thrived in! LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

Oh, if only I could get my living room to look like that... the zebra chairs are too fabulous! The sad reality is that it didn't really look that way even then...it's all in the lighting. However, I don't care!

Heather said...

wow, these are so swanky! Love how he did color and shading~