December 10, 2009

Beauty Collage Drop Out

The last minute scramble that always precedes a show is on. Some brand new, top secret Sweetheartville products will be making their debut at Deluxe and I couldn't be more excited about them. Here are a few of the little collages I'll be offering on Saturday. I'm selling this trio as a set, complete with matching vintage metal picture frames.

Stop by and visit Sweetheartville if you're in the Oklahoma City area Saturday!


Brigid said...

Yay! I can't wait to see you. :)

Robin Thomas said...

I can't be there so I will hope to see some pictures in your next post! I love the collaged gals...

Maggi said...

What fabulous work! Good luck at the show!

Heather said...

I loved your sweet little sweetheart booth this year! the trees and votives were so cute! It was all cute. Wish I'd been closer to see all the catfights ;)

Holly said...

Those are adorable! A few months ago, I made some collages out of antique sheet music and vintage storybook illustrations. After I finished them, I just set them aside because I had no idea what to do with them. Yours are irresistible though, and I bet they looked so great with all your other goodies at your booth. Hope you had a great time!